Edukos Trust
About Swanland Education Trust (known as Edukos from 2021)
As an outstanding school, Swanland Primary School was able to convert to academy status and in the August of 2011, the Trust was formed!
The journey from then to now has been both exciting and interesting. Within its first two years as an academy, Swanland’s Trustees converted the legal status of the Trust into a Multi Academy Trust (MAT) and in May of 2013 this conversion was complete. This change in status allowed other schools to join the trust and on 1st September 2013, Dunswell Academy joined the Trust family.
In 2015 the Trustees met to discuss the future of the MAT. At this meeting it was decided to rename the trust to Swanland Education Trust (SET). The Trustees felt that this name better represents the structure of The Trust as it currenlty stands and for its future.
As of 2021, Swanland Education Trust became known as “Edukos” and is in the process of re-branding the Trust.
Chris Huscroft
CEO Edukos